Arthi will be offered to Sacred Rivers on KarthikaPurnima in Andhra Pradesh – Sunday November 17, 2013

16 Nov 2013 2875 Views

In 2012 Dr. Ghazal Srinivas, the Brand Ambassador of Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) and SaveTemples came up with an idea to create pride among Hindus about their customs, rituals and traditions. We feel the more we provide opportunity for Hindus, more they will participate, and even more appreciate the importance of these rituals. He met with the Endowment Minister, the Chief Secretary of Revenue (Endowments) and the Commissioner of Endowments Department presented his idea of offering Arthi to Krishna, Godavari and Thungabhadrarivers on an auspicious day such as Karthik Purnima Day. They all immediately saw the significance of the idea and immediately started working on it and made an official announcement to do Arthi to the three rivers in Andhra Pradesh.

Why offer Arthi to Sacred Rivers?

The objective of Arthi to Sacred Rivers is to respect and practice the traditions and customs of Hindus as described in different Puranas so that the rivers are respected, significance of Karthik masa is esteemed, lighting of Deepam is valued, Karthik Purnima is treasured, and Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Karthikeya are duly worshipped. Any community that respects it’s traditions and customs will promote society with certain values and allow the virtues to prevail to strengthen the fabric of the society.

Water is the main source of survival for all mankind. Everything rests on water. Water possesses energy, power and life itself. They purify and cleanse the physical as wells as mental. SatapathiBrahmana makes many statements recognizing the importance of water:

“Water is the elixir of immortality.” 

            “ In the waters, O Lord, is your seat, that is, in waters, O Lord is your womb.”

            “Of the universe, it is the truth the waters that are made first. Hence, when the water flows, then everything here, whatever exists, is produced.” 

            “Glory to the Waters. The Waters, to be sure, area resting place for all the Gods.”

Krishna River:Arthi will be offered in the Pushkara Ghats of Krishna River in Vijayawada, Sri Sailam and Amaravathi. Sri DurgaMallikharjuna Swamy Temple will take the responsibility of conducting the Arthi to Krishna River in Vijayawada, Sri Bhramarambha Temple in Sri Sailam, and Sri Amareswara Swamy Temple in Amaravathi.

Godavari River: The Arthi will be offered at the Pushkara Ghats in Rajahmundry, Bhadrachalam and Basra. Sri Veera Venkateswara Swamy Temple of Annavaram will conduct the Arthi to Godavari in Rajahmundry, Sri Sitaramaswamy Temple at Bhadrachalam and Sri Jnana Saraswathi Ammavari Temple at Basra.

Thungabhadra River:  Sri Mahanandeeswara Swamy Vari Temple will undertake the responsibility conducting Arthi to Thungabhadra River at Kurnool.

Why take bath in Sacred Rivers?

According to some scientific reports, water will acquire more magnetic power from Earth and will be stored in water before the Sunrise in Karthik Masa. Any body, who takes bath in flowing water, is relieved of stomach problems, liver disorder, and other health related problems. Rig Veda describes the sacredness of the water as follows:

Waters contain
All disease-dispelling medicaments,
Useful for the upkeep of our body,
So that we may live long
To enjoy the bright sun.
That there is ambrosia in waters,
There is healing balm in them,
And there are medicinal herbs,
Know this all,
And by their proper use become wiser.- Rig Veda 1.23

Significance of KarthiPurnima

For Hindus, lighting Deepam, worshipping rivers, and Karthik Purnima have special meaning and significance. Hindu scriptures are replete with the information on all these rituals. India is rich with customs and traditions. Every thing is connected, ever thing has meaning, every thing has relevance, every thing is divine, and every thing has importance.

Skanda Purana and Padma Purana have glorified the month of Karthik Masa:

Skanda Purana states:

Karthik khaluvaimasam sarva, masesucauttamam

punyanamparamampunyam, pavananamcapavanam

The month of Karthik is the topmost of all other months. It is the most meritorious and purified of all other pure months.

Padma Purana also talks about the importance of Karthik Masa:



dadativaisnavamlokamiti, evamniscitammaya

Among all twelve months, the month of Karthik is dear to Lord Krishna. If somebody performs a little worship of Lord Sri Hari in this month, that devotee is offered His own abode.

Significance Karthik Deepam

Deepam is light. It is lit everyday in many houses in the morning and evening. Symbolically, light evokes chaitanya (consciousness). It is considered the source of knowledge, remover of darkness, eradicator of ignorance, and germinator of higher ideals.  Whenever the knowledge is awakened, the negative vaasanas are slowly eliminated while new seeds (vaasanas) are sown for this and next life. Also the light always burns upwards implying that one should grow upward better living. Hindus also light the lamp before starting any auspicious event. In fact Hindus call it Divya Deepam – Divine Lamp.

It is customary to start our daily prayers as well as any major functions by lighting an Oil lamp by chanting this sloka:

SubhamKaroti Kalyanam,  ArogyamDhanaSampadah,

ShatruBuddhiVinashaya,  DeepaJyotirNamostute.

“I salute the One who lights the lamp that brings auspiciousness; prosperity, good health, abundance of wealth, and the destruction of the intellect’s enemy (These 6 enemies are Kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsarya)’.

After lighting the lamp we also chant the following sloka or prayer:

Deepajyothi Parabrahma,  DeepajyothiJanardhana,

Deepo me haratupaapam,  DeepaJyothirNamostute

“I salute the Brahman, the sustainer of the creation, in the form of this light. I salute the Lord, may He destroy afflictions resulting from my omissions and commissions.”

Peoplewho Lights up a Deepam in KaarthikaMasam will receive the blessings of Pitrudevatulu (our ancestors) and also the blessings of SIVA and VISHNU. It is recommended that the Deepam be lighted up only in Mud Plates (MattiPramidas).

The wick represents body; the ghee represents purity and clarity. When the wick is lit, it stands for illumination. Similarly, an individual should serve as wick to illuminate others and should not be selfish. Just the way light removes darkness, individual efforts should be directed to get rid of ignorance and exuberate knowledge.

Dr. Ghazal Srinivas

            Dr.Ghazal Srinivas left on Friday to go to Rajahmundry by Car to attend NadhiAarathi Program on Sunday at Rajahmundry and Vijayawada along with Mr.Rajesh (staff member). Tomorrow there is a meeting at Rajahmundry regarding NadhiAarathi Program.

Sri PujyaParipoornananda Swamiji on TV5

Sri Swamiji is attending NadhiAarathi Program at Vijayawada.

Please watch TV5 for Swami Paripoornananda’sexplantion for offering Arthi to Sacred Rivers.

AALAYAVANI WEB RADIO Program on KarthikaPurnima

GHHF is proud to present this special program on Karthik Purnima Day. Please listen to the interviews and the music.  Please visit our website:

1) Suprabhatam

2) Sri. M V R Satry (Editor of Andhra Bhumi) Interview  By Dr.Ghazal Srinivas garu

3) KaatheekaMasam Purana Pravachanam By Sri MylavarapuSrinivasaRaogaru

            "KaartheekaPournami" Special Programs will broadcast on 16-11-2013

             (Saturday), 6.00 am (IST) onwards

           "KaartheekaPournami"Special Programs will Repeat on 17-11-2013

             (Sunday), 6.00 am (IST) onwards.


As many of you know that SaveTemple Office was opened in June 2012 in Hyderabad.  Office is located in Khairatabad. Four full time employees are working on the update of our website, Aalayavani Web Radio, Aalyavani magazine, conducting various activities to preserve and protect Hindu Temples and Culture. Our budget is approximately 2 lakh rupees per month.  We request your generous donation to conduct activities to promote unity among Hindus and restore the glory of Hinduism.
Please DONATE. Your donations are appreciated to continue the work.

NOTE: GHHF is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue code.    Our tax ID # 41-2258630

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