Externment Order extended to Saidabad and Rachikonda for Swamy Paripoornananda

15 Jul 2018 4663 Views

Externment Order is extended to Saidabad and Rachikonda for Swamy Paripoornananda as per a notice received from Government of Telangana, Police Department.

It is shameful on the part of Governmet of Telangana, that both Kathi Mahesh who abuses the roots of Hinduism by denigrating Lord Sri Rama and Sri Paripoornananda Swamiji who works relentlessly to promote peace and harmony are treated alike by giving a similar Externment order.

Dharma is killed and basic values are at question this day.

If this is the fate of a revered Hindu leader and Spiritual Guru, one has to imagine the plight of a simple Hindu citizen in our country.


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