[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about the importance and benefits of wearing Nose Rings.

28 Jan 2024 806 Views

“The human body is the temple of God.
One who kindles the light of awareness within gets true light.
The sacred flame of your inner shrine is constantly bright.
The experience of unity is the fulfillment of human endeavors.
The mysteries of life are revealed.” Rig Veda
Why should women wear nose rings?
It is an age-old tradition for women to wear nose rings. But do you know the health benefits of wearing a nose ring for women? According to tradition, nose piercing is mandatory for girls at the time of marriage. This method is still practiced in some families. Nose is pierced at seven and eleven years. But getting pierced at a young age is very healthy.
Suryanadi is on the right side of the nose. Shastras say to wear a mandala (round) shaped stone on the right nose. Also on the left is Chandranadi. Therefore, scholars say that a half-moon shaped nose piece should be worn on the left side of the nose.
By wearing a nose ring on the left side, women get less pregnancy diseases. It helps to have a smooth delivery without too much abdominal pain. Nerves related to eye and ear will become healthy. Nosebleed helps prevent ear related diseases such as tinnitus and deafness. Moreover, doctors say that wearing it will prevent respiratory diseases and improve fertility.
And more women wear nose piercing for beauty.
Once in Bhamakalapam Chapter, Satyabhama’s girlfriend was asked to go as an ambassador to Lord Krishna. No matter how many bribes or jewels one may give, she said that she will not go. Fed up, Satyabhama finally asks what you really want, and the friend asked Satyabhama wants a nosedive. As soon as it was given, she went to Lord Krishna with so much happiness as if she found so much treasure and ran an embassy. All the gods must have a nose rings. Veerabrahmendraswami of Potuluri said in Kalagyana composition that if the Vijayawada Krishna River overflows and touches Kanaka Durgamma Mukkera (nose ring), no one will be left on earth.
It is a time-honored tradition that only the uncle or future husband presents a decoratively fixed Mukkera. It is very wrong if someone from outside gives it. Like Talibottu, some people do not remove the nose piece worn at the time of marriage for the rest of their life. Their belief is that as long as it is there, the husband will be safe. That is why it is said to be a sign of good luck.
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