[GHHF] Bala Samskar Students performed Ustrasana Yoga and learned the benefits of Doing it.

19 Jan 2025 146 Views

Global Hindu Heritage is very happy to inform that we started about 150 Bala Samskar Kendras in nine States in Bharat and four in Bangladesh and on in Congo.  The mission of these Centers is to teach about the richness of Hinduism, Hindu festivals, Hindu ethos, Hindu History, and culture and traditions. 

GHHF has introduced our Bala Samskar Students to learn Surya Namaskar at a very young age to reap all the benefits for the rest of their lives. At this age they can tone up their muscles and body. It also changes their mental makeup when introduced at a very early age. It also helps reduce many ailments. They are also taught different Yoga postures to receive more benefits.
Ustrasana, or Camel Pose, is a yoga pose that gets its name from the Sanskrit words Uṣṭra meaning "camel" and Ä€sana meaning "meditative pose". The pose is named for the shape the body makes, which resembles a camel's hump. 
To enter this asana, kneel down, then lean back to touch the feet with both hands. The deepness of the bend varies according to the flexibility of the practitioner. Advanced practitioners are often able to bend far enough to touch their feet with their head.
Some say that the camel symbolizes strength, endurance, patience, steadfastness, and sacrifice.
Physical benefits
•    Flexibility: Stretches the front of the body, including the chest, abdomen, thighs, and hip flexors 
•    Strength: Strengthens the back, shoulders, and core muscles 
•    Posture: Improves posture by straightening the back 
•    Blood circulation: Increases blood flow to the body, which can improve energy and focus 
•    Lung function: Opens the chest, which allows for deeper breathing and improves lung function 
•    Spinal health: Improves spinal flexibility and reduces back pain 
•    Organ stimulation: Stimulates the thyroid, adrenal, pineal, and pituitary glands, as well as the abdominal and neck organs 
Psychological benefits 
•    Stress and anxiety: Reduces stress and anxiety, and can create a sense of relaxation
•    Self-esteem: Boosts self-esteem and confidence
•    Creativity: Can increase creativity and revitalize the brain
•    Focus: Can improve focus and concentration
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It is tax-deductible.
By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979 


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