[GHHF] Continue to provide water and food to animals; Caring for a sick cow that ate plastics.

31 May 2024 736 Views

[GHHF] Continue to provide water and food to animals; Caring for a sick cow that ate plastics.

“All agree that the ancient Indians already operated with a time span of truly astronomical proportions long before the earliest signs of natural science in ancient Greece. It is undeniable that ancient Indian texts present some astonishingly exact scientific calculations even by today's latest scientific standards, such as the speed of light, exact size of the smallest particles, and the age of the universe." Robert C Priddy
Global Hindu Heritage is very happy to announce that our volunteers have placed several water tubs to ensure that the animals have water and food. GHHF has been providing this service for the last three years in various locations. Sick Cow. We identified a sick cow in Kalyandurg Mandal Village, and on behalf of our organization, we have been caring for it with vegetables, grass, and water since the 21st of this month. This cow became sick because of eating too much plastic paper.  The cow was not able to digest this plastic paper in the stomach. We requested a Veterinary doctor to come and examine.  He examined the cow and injections have been given to help the cow from suffering.  The doctor said that the cow should be operated on, and the plastic paper be removed. He can do the surgery if the owner of the cow gives permission to conduct the surgery to avoid any future litigations. We are looking for the owner to get permission. Once we identify the owner, GHHF is ready to get the surgery done to protect this cow.  
Cows are Considered Sacred. As we know, cows are highly respected in Hinduism and are described in various scriptures as having great importance. Cattle are considered sacred in world religions, including Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Israel, ancient Rome, and ancient Germany.

Cow, as an adobe of 33 crore Deities, is considered sacred in Hinduism due to its sattvic qualities. Kamadhenu, the miraculous "cow of plenty" and the "mother of cows" in certain versions of Hindu mythology, is believed to represent the generic sacred cow, regarded as the source of all prosperity.
The Trinity - Brahma, Vishṇu, and Shiva have narrated the following shloka on Cow:
“O Destroyer of sins! You are the mother of all Deities. You are the reason for yajna (sacrificial fire). Among all Tirthas (Holy places), you are the holiest. I pay my obeisance to you.

In the past, our Sages have conducted Yajnas for the well-being of the community. Now, scientific research has found that the ritual of burning cow dung and ghee as fuel for these sacred fires actually purifies the air and has anti-pollutant and anti-radiation qualities in the environment.
Bhagavat Purana states: 
Deer, camel, donkey, monkey, rats, creeping animals, birds and flies – one should consider them like one’s own children, and not differentiate between one’s children and these creatures. (7.14.9)
He who does not seek to kill, cause pain or tie up living creatures and desires the good of all attains everlasting joy.  — Vishnu Dharma Sutra 51.69
Your donations are appreciated;
By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
PayPal: savetemples.org
By Check: Or you can send a check payable to GHHF, 14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035.
It is tax-deductible.
By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979.


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