[GHHF] HERO Award was conferred Dr. Prakasarao by His Holiness Kaeshav Swamy organized by Harvard Business School Hindu Council

12 Sep 2024 564 Views

Harvard Business School (HBS) Hindu Council has organized a huge event recognizing the individual and organizations who have contributes to the welfare of the humanity irrespective of the region, religion, or country. 
On September 10, a Hero Award ceremony was organized at Athithi Event Hall where nearly 400 people attended representing about 40 organizations. Its main goal is two-fold:
1.    Recognize individuals who have contributed to the community and had influence in the lives of the people.
2.    Bring unity among many Hindu organizations who have been excelling in service to the community. Although many organizations are working individually, very few people know what each organization is doing on the ground level in the communities. 
Dr. Prakasarao Velagapudi was conferred HERO award for his services in USA and India. Mention was made of Hanuman Temple where he is coordinating the construction and as directed Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji. 
The Award reads as follows: 
“With Deepest Gratitude and Appreciation we present this award to Shri Prakasarao Velagapudi in recognition of Exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to serving the Community. The Gero Award. HBS Hindu Council. Dallas TX 2024.” 
HBS Hindu Council sent out an invitation with the following message:
In an era often characterized by the pursuit of fame, power, and self-interest, there remain remarkable individuals who embody true heroism through their selfless dedication and unwavering commitment to the greater good. The HERO - Hindu Empowerment & Reformation Organization and HHC - HBS Hindu Council are dedicated to recognizing such exemplary leaders and their invaluable contributions to our community.
We are pleased to invite you to an exclusive Award Ceremony and Dinner Event to honor these distinguished individuals. This is a special invitation-only event, and we would be honored to have you join us in celebrating their remarkable service and leadership. 
This event will be graced by the presence of esteemed spiritual leaders, including our Chief Guest, His Holiness Keshava Swami Ji. We will also be joined by a distinguished array of dignitaries and guests, including executives from Fortune 500 companies, city officials, state representatives, leaders from social and spiritual organizations, Ivy League representatives, entrepreneurs, medical professionals, social reformers, and thought leaders.
Accepting the Award, Dr Prakasarao said: “All of us have to commit ourselves to do what we can do to protect Bharath. It is Dharma Bhumi, Karma Bhumi. Many of us were born there. I want all of us to take the ownership and try to see that Sanatana Dharma is protected and preserved for the welfare of the humanity.”
Please visit our website for all our activities: www. Savetemples.org


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