[GHHF] Only parental love is selfless love! Unrespectful sons are worthless. Moral is respecting your parents always.
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is always interested in transmitting timeless wisdom to the next generation to ensure that our children learn the richness of our culture. Moral stories at that age will become integral to their beliefs, behaviors, and personality. At a younger age, we should teach them the sense of right and wrong, values, and ethics to shape their future.
This week, we taught Bala Samskar students the importance of respecting parents. There was a young man named Satish in a village. He was very good at studies. But he had a bad habit – he did not know how to respect and love his father. He used to quarrel with his father even on small matters. Since childhood, his father's instructions used to irritate him a lot.
One day, when Satish was told at home that he had got a job in Hyderabad, his father said lovingly, "Son, if you need anything, ask me. Don't be shy about money,"
But Satish proudly said, "I don't need your help. I will stand on my own two feet!" and went inside.
Hearing these words, Satish's grandfather said, "Here you go, Babu! When I was a child, I used to hurt my father a lot, like you. I still remember the Vemana poem that my father told me. Let me tell you, too:
Thalli Tandri meeda Dayaleni putrudu
Puttanemi vaadu Gittavaa
Puttaleni Chedalu puttavaa Gittavaa
Vishwadabhirama Vinuravema !
The meaning is: A son who is not kind to his parents is the same whether he is born or dies. Such a person is like a termite born in the nest and dies in the nest.
Satish leaves without paying any attention to those words.
After a few days, Satish's health deteriorated, and he was admitted to the hospital. He reached a point where he could not work. Then, he remembered his father's words – "If you need anything, ask me, Babu!" Thinking of the pain, he felt he should have listened to his grandfather's words.
Realizing his mistake, Satish called his father. His father immediately came and got him treated. Seeing his father in the hospital, he fell at his feet and said, "Father, I could not understand your love. I am sorry!" He burst into tears.
Satish's father patted his head and said, "I will always love you, Babu!" From that day on, Satish learned to respect his father with love.
1. We should respect our parents' love – We should recognize that what they say is for our good.
2. We should abandon pride – There is nothing wrong with asking for help; we should accept our parents' guidance.
3. We should understand the good nature while we have time – It is better to love our parents before we do something wrong and regret it.
4. We should not neglect our health – We should reduce stress and maintain our physical and mental health.
5. Family is always there for us – No matter how far we are, our parents are there.
Suggestions for teachers:
What we should teach our children by telling this story:
1. We should respect our parents before we suffer rather than understanding their value after we suffer.
2. We should understand and learn from the experiences of our elders.
3. We can achieve true success only if we are humble.
4. We should know that family is the one who stands by us in difficult times.
5. We should not distance our relationships due to pride.
How to discuss this story with children:
1. How did Satish finally understand his father's love?
2. Have you ever ignored an elder and realized your mistake later?
3. What mistakes can be made due to pride?
4. What is the meaning of the poem "Vemana" that Grandpa recited?
5. How do you show love to your parents?
6. What advice would you give to those who are arrogant and disrespectful to their elders?
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