[GHHF] Protest Rally in Frisco in support of Global Voice for Bangladesh Hindus was a grand success with 400+ in attendance

11 Aug 2024 918 Views

Global Voice for Bangladesh Minorities event was held at Frisco City Hall this evening and was a grand success. Global Hindu Heritage Foundation and many similar organizations joined hands to highlight the atrocities committed against minorities, especially Hindus.
We prepared the following report highlighting only few items related to the protest and on-the-ground activities, and the flow of events.

With the shortest notice of 48 hours for the event, the enthusiasm of support was overwhelming with about 400+ supporters attending the protest. We had groups across all adjoining cities Prosper, Allen, Irving, Flower Mound, and Lewisville converge in huge numbers.

A good-sized population of about 50+ Bangladesh Hindus turned up at the event driving from 35 miles far from the city an hour ahead of the event.

The event started at 6 pm with Sri Sashi K ji taking the stage giving the context and background on the events that unfolded in Bangladesh, the need for support, and the demand for an immediate stop to violence.

We then invited representatives from each of the participating organizations to share their thoughts and views on the terror events in Bangladesh.
§ SMAP (Shivaji Foundation) Vijay Gayee
§ Kumar Garaw from Dharmansh Foundation
§ Vijay Gayee from Shivaji Maharaj Antarrashtriya Parivaar (SMAP)
§ Pradeep J from RHYTHM CULTURAL ASSOCIATION, an association with over 150 Bangladeshi Hindu Families
§ Representative from the Human Rights Congress for Bangla Minorities
§ Ramakrishna G from BJP USA
§ Hemanth Kale, a renowned entrepreneur from Frisco
§ Trustees from Ekta Mandir
§ Tamil Sangam association representatives
§ Hare Krishna Society representatives

Varun Karbandani, Hindu activist

The talk from the representatives cheered the crowd and slogans were raised by enthusiastic teams ‘SaveBangaladesh’, SaveMinorities, ‘StopViolence’, and ‘We love peace’.
We later invited women from various walks of life in general and the Bangladeshi community in particular to express their views on the current situation in Bangladesh and demanded for immediate action.
Media coverage was provided by Asianet and Prime9 news channels, several enthusiastic members gave short interview bytes to the media expressing their anguish at the current state of affairs.

We had the Krishna dasa team performing a beautiful ‘hare rama hare krishna’ rendition on harmonium and mrudagam. Several homemade placards were brought in to educate people on the dire need for action from government agencies to stop the violence.

Was interesting to note that the group had several kids right from 5 years old to teenagers, cheering their parents and elders in the protest.
The program concluded with the American National Anthem, followed by the Indian National Anthem, and then Bangla National Anthem.

We had the team perform a candlelight vigil with over 200+ candles distributed, we could cater to only half of the crowd.

Though the event sailed smoothly, we had moments of tension, a group of about 5 opponents turned up an hour ahead of the start and started engaging in conversations with our teams. They argued that we were spreading fake news and were following biased media news. They claimed to be Bangladeshi Muslims, with Hindu and Christian brethren living in peace and harmony and protecting minority rights !!!

Thankfully, the Patrol Lieutenant and patrol cops were there to diffuse the situation and they stood by the site for almost two hours to ensure a peaceful protest. Appreciate the support extended by the Frisco Police without whom we would have been tensed and might have engaged in a heated argument with the opponents. Towards the end an aggressive opponent was making slogans calling our speaker's words lies and creating a ruckus, the cops engaged him and escorted him out of the premises.

Heartfelt congratulations to all the nation-loving, culture-loving, peace-loving dedicated volunteers who turned up today. They were thankful to GHHF for providing them with a platform to congregate and protest in their time of need.

Kudos to Sashi ji for handholding the event single-handedly from start to finish, what a great oration, articulation, and moderation! Hemanth Ji helped coordinate the short bytes from several participants, there were over 25+ participants from the audience who shared their points of view.

Kudos to Rajesh Gooty who is the Chairman of the Advisory Committee of GHHF, inspired us to organize the protest, guided the event from start to finish, and provided the needed help with the material necessary for the event.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat, Jai Sriram

Your donations are appreciated;
By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
PayPal: savetemples.org
By Check: Or you can send a check payable to GHHF, 14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035.
It is tax-deductible.
For more info: 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979 


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