[GHHF] Rajasthan adopted “Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Bill 2024.” Andhra Pradesh and other States should follow immediately to stop CONVERSION cruelty.

19 Feb 2025 119 Views

"Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, find, imprisoned: yet we have not advanced one inch towards humanity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support error and roguery all over the earth" Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Rajasthan has recently adopted the "Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Bill 2024", which aims to prevent forced religious conversions by establishing strict rules and regulations regarding religious conversion, including potential penalties for those who use coercion, fraud, or allurement to convert others; this law has sparked debate due to concerns about potential misuse and infringement on individual religious freedom rights.
 The people who organize religious conversions must prove through evidence that they used neither physical force nor deceitful methods nor deceptive means during the conversion process. The DM must receive advance notification and declaration documents from those performing voluntary conversions or the law will impose penalties on defaulting parties. The legislation intensifies legal consequences for conversion cases involving minors, women, members of the SC/ST castes as well as mass converts and convicts who have undergone multiple conversions.
Why did Rajasthan adopt this conversion Law?
•    Stop people being forcefully converted to other religion through coercion, force, allurement or fraud, with allurement including cash, material benefits, employment, free education, etc.
•    Strict penalties:
The law includes provisions for imprisonment up to 10 years and significant fines for those found guilty of facilitating unlawful conversions. It provides for up to Rs 5 lakh as compensation for victims of forced conversions. One of the provisions makes it mandatory for individuals to apply to the magistrate 60 days before the intended date of religious conversion.
•    Burden of proof:
The burden of proof lies on the person accused of facilitating the conversion to demonstrate that it was not done through coercion or fraudulent means. The court demands evidence showing that the conversion happened without coercion or fraud and unlawful influence together with the absence of allurement or marriage purpose that focused on unlawful religious conversion.
•    Voluntary conversion process:
The law outlines a process for individuals who wish to convert voluntarily, requiring them to notify authorities in advance. 
•    Concerns about misuse:
Critics argue that the law could be misused to target interfaith marriages or individuals converting due to personal beliefs, potentially violating religious freedom. 

Bob Kowalski says that every religion wants to rule the world. Some without violence while others with violence, deception, cruelty and terrorism. H says, “Insane Christians went around the world destroying the culture of innocent peoples; Christianity was one of the main causes of the destruction of indigenous peoples. Destroying a culture to spread religion is immoral, unethical, and should be considered a crime. Evangelizing indigenous peoples is condemning the extinction of peoples who live in harmony with nature.” 
AS per the injunctions of Christianity, Hindu Temples can be attacked. After the new government, Christians have emboldened their conversion spree. Consequently, Hindu Deities are defaced and broken. Hindu Gods are maligned and insulted. Bible clearly asks the Christians that they “must burn up the images of their gods; burn their idols in the fire; destroy all their carved images and cast idols and demolish all their high places; You must not bow down to their gods … instead, you are to demolish them and smash their sacred stones to pieces.
The Christian missionaries are a threat to the very existence of Hinduism. They say Christianity is the only true religion, Jesus is the only savior, and non-Christians are condemned to eternal hell. Hindu Gods may be broken or smashed since they are an abomination to Jesus. Even Hindu altars may be cut down. For them, Lord Venkateswara is a mere stone and a Saitan to be broken. But Hindus believe Him to be the most sacred, powerful, wish-fulfilling Deity.
In Future
    Andhra Pradesh government should introduce this Bill in the Assembly and adopt similar Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Bill to prevent conversion through force, deception allurement and enticement. Similar provisions must be adopted to make sure the converted person will report to government authorities and declare himself as Christians. The failure will result in severe punishments. 
    In Andhra Pradesh, the politicians are more interested in providing all kinds of incentives to the minorities for Vote Bank politics and destroying the rich culture where many scholars across the globe credited Sanatana Dharma as mother of all religions. Do not get sold to money, fame, name, position and prestige. In the history, two people are recognized: Corrupt and courageous. We hope the politicians will open their eyes, shun their short-term fame and serve the people to be sketched their names eternally in the annals of history.
Let us remember and take pride in the richness of our culture as observed by Mark Twain (1835-1910), "Land of religions, cradle of human race, birthplace of human speech, grandmother of legend, great grandmother of tradition. The land that all men desire to see and having seen once even by a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for the shows of the rest of the globe combined." Mark Twain further remarked: " India has two million gods and worships them all. In religion all other countries are paupers; India is the only millionaire."


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