[GHHF] Shiva Puja and Abhishekam was conducted in a Dalit Community in a Karidipalli Village in Anantapur District for blessings and fulfilment of wishes.

10 Nov 2024 330 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is extremely happy to inform we conducted Shiva Puja and Abhishekam in the of Kollappa family belonging to Settur Mandal, Karidipalli village. The family invited several villagers to participate in the Shiva Abhishekam program.
Sri Gopi Krishna Sastry Garu initiated the program about four months ago - Shiva Abhishekam in every House on Monday evening during Pradosh time. As many of you know, our activities are conducted in villages, Dalit communities, tribal areas, and interior places. With this program, we want to go to places very few people have been to before and do pujas and Abhishekam in houses nobody has done before. Many of these places are ignored by many of our religious people to bring them together by encouraging the villagers to engage in the usefulness of conducting the rituals. They never went to the houses and performed these rituals in their home. 
Shiva is a Bola Shankar. He is also called Bholenath. He is Lord of Innocence. Shiva means auspicious. Bola Shankar is considered the giver of blessings, giver of peace, and giver of bliss. The one who gives blessings instantly will grant us any wish if we anoint the Lord very quickly. If we do Abhishekam (ablution), he grants our wishes fast. As per scriptures, if we do Abhisheka to Shiva with water, he will remove ten sins; if we do with cow's milk, 100 sins; if we do Abhishekam with cow curd, 1000 sins; if we do with ghee, 3000 sins; if we do with honey, 5000 sins; if we do with fruit juice, all our sins are removed, and we get wealth and salvation. 
Besides, if you perform puja during the Pradosh period on Monday evening, you will have good children, a sound mind, and good knowledge. So many such results are produced. Worshiping Lord Shiva is like worshiping Goddess Lakshmi with Lord Vishnu, which means "Shivaya Vishnurupaya Shivrupaya Vishnave." Shivasya Hridayam Vishnur Vishnoscha Hridayam Shivah - Vishnu is the heart of Siva, and likewise, Siva is the heart of Vishnu.” That means both Shiva and Vishnu are one and the same – actually, the manifestation of the same Supreme Lord.
In Bhagwat Puran, med Shri Vishnu tells his beloved wife Shri Lakshmi that half of the space in Vishnu’s heart is actually occupied by Lord Shiva while the other half was occupied by all other beings, including Goddess Lakshmi Herself. Lord Shiva always meditated upon Shri Rama (Lord Vishnu) whereas, Lord Vishnu himself meditated upon Lord Shiva.

Narad Pancharatra succinctly states:
Shivo Harirhariha Shakshatchiva Eva Nirupitaha |
Shivadveshi Haridrohi Vishnum Nityam Bhajanapi ||
‘Shiva is Hari, and Hari is none other than Shiva. An enemy of Shiva is an enemy of Hari, even though he may worship Vishnu daily.’

Therefore, Shiva Puja and Abhishekam are being organized in every house. The main purpose of this program is also "to see that all the Hindus are not under the spell of other faiths' deception, incentive, and allurements. There is no caste and creed discrimination in this program. By doing Abhishekam and Bilva Archana for the Lord Shiva by everyone Hindu through this program, we are making them and their family members eligible to receive grace, blessings, and bliss from the Lord.

 The primary purpose of this program is not only to unite all the Hindu brothers but also to reap the benefits of doing Shiva Puja and Shiva Abhishekam. Also, to prevent Christian encroachment into the villages by smearing our faith and misleading our innocent Hindus with false information. 
By organizing this program, we will be able to stave off illegal conversions and keep our people in the Hindu fold. In all our programs, we tell our Hindus about the importance of applying tilak on their forehead, how to get salvation, and talk about our dharma, traditions, and customs. This program was started to ensure our Hindus appreciate our Hindu Dharma and remain as Hindus instead of being the victims of falsehood. 
Your donations are appreciated  
By Zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
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By Check: You can also send a check payable to GHHF,14726 Harmony Lane, Frisco, TX 75035.
It is tax-deductible.
By Rupees: call 601-918-7111; +91 83096 43979. 


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