[GHHF] Sooryagayathri’s flawless and immaculate performance thrilled an overcrowded audience in Frisco Texas.

17 Sep 2023 1020 Views

India regards the attempt to understand the ultimate reality as the highest and finest aim of existence... This freedom is more priceless than any political institution. Because of this, India has been able to arrive at spiritual knowledge and strength unequalled anywhere in the world. Michael Pym, author of The Power of India.

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is very happy to organize an amazing and awesome program by highly talented child prodigy Soorya Gayathri in Frisco Texas. Her performance was spellbound, superb and sensational. Her mere presence enthused many people and mesmerized by her performance.
First lighting the lamp was done by local leaders and His Holiness Sadhguru Shri Dayal. Then brief introduction about the history and achievement of Global Hindu Heritage Foundation was narrate. Then Soorygayatri and the four supporting artis were introduced to the audience. 
    Sooryagayatri started off with a Ganesh bhajan which was written by her mother and composed by her father. Then she sang songs on Lord Rama, Ord Krishna, Ayyappa, Ramads , Panduranga, Ayyappa and other songs. A standing ovation was accorded for her fabulous and inspirational presentation. 
    Lastly Prakasarao Velagapudi, President of GHHF spoke about the greatness of Sanatana Dharma which is scientific, spiritual, philosophical, and religious all combined in one. It is every Hindu’s responsibility to protect Santana. It is our mother. She needs our help. She is being attacked. All individually take the responsibility protect the wounded mother.
    If we cannot protect Sanatana Dharma, we are going loose all the art, culture, singing, dancing, and all kinds of music if other religions dominate. Sor survival these arts, protection of Sanatana Dharma is essential.
With that in mind, GHHF is undertaking several projects to protect Hinduism: 1 Bala Samskar- conducting 200 schools in Indi and 10 schools in Bangladesh to educate our Childre 2) Reviving Grama Devatas by renovating the temples 3) Dhupa Deepa Naivedyam – providing necessary Arthi material to the needy Temple; 4) Sponsor a priest – employing priests to reopen the closed temples; 5) Annadanam – so far provide more than 2 Lakhs and 6) Reviving Hindu villages by making them proud of their culture.
    He thanked all the people who attended the program, all the volunteers and many people who helped the program for more than weeks.
The overwhelming majority of the audience were appreciative of GHHF for organizing this event. One of them mentioned that. “Namaste Prakash Rao ji- Yesterday was the memorable evening listening to the soulful voice of Sooryagayathri and touched by the speech from you on *Preserving Sanatan dharma and mother (Bharat)*. Dhanyavad for organizing such a great event and thanks to all GHHF volunteers for the beautiful arrangements.” 
PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: savetemples.org. Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select the “Sunday School – Bal Samskar” category.
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By zelle: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com
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For more information, call Prakasarao V Velagapudi; Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com


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