[GHHF] Working at the Ground level to make Difference – Richness of Hinduism is spreading in Colleges and Villages in Telangana.

17 Aug 2020 2310 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) is working at ground level to make a difference and create pride in the richness of their faith enabling them to compare Hindu Dharma with the Religions of Deception and the Religion of Terror. Many people are not aware of the differences between Hinduism and the Abrahamic religions. Many organizations are teaming up to go to the villages and conduct festivals, perform Hanuman Abhishekam on the occasion of Ayodhya Temple groundbreaking ceremony, and celebrate Independence Day.

As we all know that the Hindu population is decreasing day by day either because we Hindus are failing to recognize the needs of the unfortunate, or we are maintaining physical distance due to our ignorance of the need to live as one family. As long as we do not look into their needs, it is very easy to trap them. To avoid them being exploited, GHHF is committed to support volunteers who go to the villages to talk about Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures. Also, the difference between Hindu tolerance and inclusiveness and intolerance and exclusiveness of the other two Abrahamic religions.

On the occasion of Rama Temple groundbreaking ceremony, our volunteers went to different temples chanting Hanuman's name and Sri Rama name and then dis Abhishekam to the picture of Lord Hanuman who is known to chant Rama Nama all the time.

On the day of Independence, they assembled more than 150 youth, talked about the significance of Independence, and hoisted the flag in from of them. A number of people spoke about the sacrifices so many people have made to achieve Independence so that we can enjoy the fruits of freedom and liberty. They provided Annadanam to all those who attended the function.


As many of you are aware that it would take a lot of energy, time, and MONEY to work at the ground level. Your financial support will help to continue our program in 5 different locations and we continue to expand efforts going to as many villages as possible

PayPal Method: To donate visit our website: savetemples.org. Click on the Donate button, then press the Purpose category, and select General Donation category.


For more information, call

Email: ghhfusaorg@gmail.com


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