GHHF Year end Report of activities and accomplishments - 2013 Donations requested

09 Dec 2013 2969 Views

“Give. Give with faith. Do not give without faith. Give with sensitivity. Give with a feeling of abundance. Give with right understanding.”Taittiriya Upanisad 

As many of you know that Global Hindu Heritage Foundation was started in 2006 with a mission to make every effort to REPEAL the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act, restore the independent management of Hindu Temples by Hindus themselves, make Hindus aware of the plight of Hindu Temples in the hands of government, ensure that the Hindu Temple lands are not auctioned or sold, urge the government to renovate and repair all the dilapidated Gopurams and Temples, recover all the lands that were encroached illegally or obtain market value for these lands,  approach the government to rectify the abuses of Hindu Temple assets, challenge the sale and encroachment of Hindu Temple lands, advocate the implementation of Article 48 to protect the cows and close down the slaughter houses,  revive the pride and prestige of the glory and grandeur of Sanatana Dharma, and encourage implementation of various activities to that make Hindus appreciate the meaning and significance various rituals.

Many our scriptures such as Rig Veda, Bhagavad Purana, Mahabharata, Apastamba Dharma Sutra, Bhagavad Gita, Chandogya Upanishad, Taittiriya Upanishad, Brihadarantaka Upanishad, Tirukkaral, and many others talked about the importance and significance of Daana (charity) without any expectations from the receiver. The scriptures also talk about the worthiness of the cause, time to give, and qualifications of the receiver.  They even mention what to give at what time, whom to give, when to give and how much to give. The whole purpose of Daana is done to purify one’s life, uplift the spirituality, and improve the quality of life.  Giving is more than an obligation. It is dharma – righteous act.

Sant Kabir says: “You came into this world with fists closed and you go away with open palms. So even while living stretch your hand open and give liberally.”

Sage Vyasa also mentions that one should do where ever he gets an opportunity to support the worthy and charitable causes. According to scriptures, Hindus are ordained to donate generously for all good causes. Hence,donations are recommended to build Temples, wells, lakes, schools, Goshalas,  Annadana facilities and others. Daana to these worthy causes also make one overcome the attachment to the material objects that is essential for spiritual growth. It is believed that the more we give more we get. The satisfaction one gets by giving cannot be described.

Saint Tulsidas has said that in Kaliyuga the Dharma means to contribute time, money and effort for all good causes. One should give paramount importance to a charity work. One should support the activities that bring goodness to the society. Furthermore Tulsidas says that by performing this noble, selfless act of generosity, it leads an individual on to the divine path of self-realisation.


Please DONATE. Your donations are appreciated to continue the work.
NOTE: GHHF is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue code.    Our tax ID # 41-2258630

Please send your tax-deductible donations to:
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, 

You can go to and pay by PAYPAL.


GHHF 2013 Accomplishments

These are some of the activities GHHF has undertaken to meet the mission of our organization – preservation, promotion, renovation and protection of Hindu Temples and Hinduism.

1) On January 8 an Award Ceremony was conducted in Hyderabad honoring the officials of the Endowment Department who conducted an unprecedented Punya Nadula Arthi (Arthi offered to Sacred Rivers) on Karthik Purnima in 2012. Eight executive officers from different cities were honored at the ceremony.
Also, the winners of “On the Spot Drawing” were recognized and cash prizes were given to the top five students.

2) A spectacular Dance program was conducted by a group of ten dancers who choreographed the songs of “Devalayam” CD.

3) GHHF in coordination with Sri Paripoornananda Swami and Kadari Organizing Committee organized a massive Satyanarayana Puja where more than 3000 Dalits participated in the event.

4) Organized Swami Paripoornananda US trip May thru July 7, 2013. His program were arranged in many cities: Dallas, TX; Huntsville, AL; Atlanta, GA; Raleigh, NC; Marlboro, NJ; Staten Island, NY; Washington, DC; Detroit, MI; Davies, FL; Houston, TX;

5) Organized lectures by former DGP of Andhra Pradesh, Dr. K.  Arvind Rao in Atlanta and Dallas.

6) Lectures were delivered by Dr. Prakasarao Velagapudi on the mission of GHHF and the plight of Hindu Temples in Atlanta, GA; Austin TX; and New Jersey.

7) Dr. Prakasarao Velagapudi delivered a lecture on the significance of the relationship between Hindu ethic, Hindu Genius and Business Management at World Hindu Economic Council in Dallas TX.

8) Co-sponsored Bhakta Prahlada Dance program in New Jersey.

9) Dr. Subramnay Swamy lectures were organized in Dallas in July and Chicago in September.

10) NATS (North America Telugu Society) produced a remarkable Video “KshetraDarshini” highlighting the sacredness and significance of more than 40 Andhra Pradesh Temples. Song was written by Sri Rasaraju and sung by Dr. Ghazal Srinivas. NATS was very gracious to give the rights to GHHF for their distribution to promote the mission of their organization. Thus KshetraDarshini Video and CD are produced.

11) GHHF exposed the Islamic University plans near Tirupathi with lot of investigation and with documentation. Now almost all the parties are working on this matter to see that it would not see the daylight.

12) Through two anonymous donor, GHHF contributed $33,600 for the renovation of aAmrutheswara Swami Temple near Tenali in AP.

13) Through anonymous donor, GHHF donated $50,000 to produce an historical Anthology on the Hindu Kings and how they ruled their subjects. Negotiations are being made to show on BBC and History Channel and other Channels. The total project cost is about $500,000.

14) In October, Dr. Ghazal Srinivas conducted Ghazal Concert in Atlanta, GA.

15) On October 25 GHHF representatives (, Satya Dosapati, Arvind Kumar and Prakasarao Velagapudi) met with The New York Times journalist to discuss and express our concerns regarding an article on Mazaffarnagar and Narendra Modi.

16) Organized the Discourses by Dr. BachampalliSatosh Kumar on the significance of Karthik Masa and other sacred topics in Atlanta in November.

17) Devalayam Hindi CD will be completed and released very soon.

18) Vyasa Ashrama near Tirupathi is conducting GandaBherunda Lakshmi Narasimha Mahayajnam on February 5-9, 2014. Dr. Duggirla Prasad, who is the Chairman of Hindu Temple and Community Hall in Memphis, is coordinating the whole Yajnam. He is kind enough to recognize the efforts of GHHF and listing us as a Cosponsor of the Mahayajnam with no obligations.

19) Dr. Ghazal Srinivas is planning to conduct Mahasabha highlighting the Relevance of Ramayana to the Modern World in Hyderabad in December.

20) On November 30, Swami Paripoornananda and Dr. Ghazal Srinivas went to Tirupthi, met with the Collector and discussed about the Islamic University episode, and also met Sri M G Gopal and talked about the progress of Vakulamata Temple with TTD.

21) Swami Paripoornananda and Dr. Ghazala Srinivas participated in Nadula Arthi on Karthka Purnima Day – November 17.

22) Donated $125,000 to TTD through one of the devotees.


GHHF Articles and Activities Posted Website from 1st January 2013 until December 9, 2013              
Dear Friends:

  1. These are some of the articles we have written and activities we are involved. These are all posted in our website for your information. If you had missed any of them, you may want to browse through. Titles and Links are provided.
  2. Dr. Ghazal Srinivas will be sending soon all his activities and efforts to Savetemples movement will be sent soon.  Thanks

1/7/2013 GHHF strongly condemns Akbaruddin Owaisi of MIM and the State Government of AP

1/23/2013 GHHF Strongly Condemns Hon. Sushilkumar Shinde for his “Hindu Terror” comments

2/2/2013 Swamy Vivekananda’s Appreciation and Assessment of American Women

2/14/2013 “RSS is a Role model to me” says former Supreme Court Judge K T Thomas

2/25/2013 Hindu MPs and MLAs should Wake up, Speak up; prevent Terrorism or become VICTIMS of it soon

3/2/2013 More than 3000 Dalits are performing Satyanarayana Puja on March 4 in Kadiri, A P.More than 3000 Dalits are performing Satyanarayana Puja on March 4 in Kadiri, A P

3/6/2013 Wharton Cancellation of Modi Speech amounts to Censure of Open Expression

3/7/2013 GHHF Dalits successfully performed Satyanarayana Puja on large scale in Kadiri, Andhra Pradesh

3/23/2013 HINDU RATNA award conferred to Vishnu Hari Dalmia&Dr Subramanian Swamy at New Delhi

4/14/2013 Hindus were falsely imprisoned beaten tortured by Police in Hanuman Mandir desecration case in Hyderabad

4/23/2013 Legendary violinist LalgudiJayaraman passed away

4/24/2013 GHHF Case filed in Court against Police brutality inflicted on Hindus

5/7/2013 GHHF Speech at World Hindu Economic Forum

5/13/2013 GHHF Remembering and glorifying Mother

6/10/2013 Hindus are Doomed to Repeat the History – Islamic Onslaught on Hindus – Never forget the History [Part-1]

6/10/2013 EVERY HINDU MUST SEE!!! Sri Paripoornananda Swamiji views on Hinduism

6/13/2013 Swami Paripoornananda USA Lecture Tour May 24 thru July 6, 2013

6/13/2013 Paripoornananda Swamy USA lectures – Schedule

6/15/2013 Invites you to attend Lectures on Hinduism by H H Paripoornananda Swamiji

6/19/2013 GHHF Summary of Swami Paripoornananda’s Lecture Tour in New Jersey/ New York Area

6/22/2013 Dr. Subramanian Swamy’s powerful speech in Dallas, Texas to rebuild Rama Temple and revive Hindu culture

6/24/2013 India Flood Disaster Relief Fund Appeal

7/2/2013 Hindus are Doomed to Repeat the History – Islamic Onslaught on Hindus – Never forget your History Part II

7/30/2013 Hindus are doomed to repeat the history, if they fail to know the Christian atrocities on GOA Hindus

8/17/2013 Bhakti Movement to be Spread Through SaveTemples Musical Band

8/31/2013 Secularism is chipping away the very Existence of Hindus; Prime Minister bent on ruining the richest civilization

9/11/2013 Secularism is chipping away the very Existence of Hindus; Prime Minister bent on ruining the richest civilization – Part 2

9/14/2013 International Islamic College coming near TIRUPATHI; Is there a plan to Silence the bells and stop aarathi at Balaji Temple?

10/8/2013 Secularism is chipping away the very Existence of Hindus; Prime Minister bent on ruining the richest civilization: Part 3

10/25/2013 Meet Ghazal – Sat Oct 26 Lunch – GHHF board meeting and fund raising at Coriander

10/28/2013 Islamic University at the foot of Thirumala – B.R.Haran

11/1/2013 New York Times article on Narendra Modi was biased, unfair and prejudiced; Requests apology and corrections

11/13/2013 GHHF Meets NYT journalists in their New York Office on October 25, 2013

11/21/2013 Arthi to Sacred Rivers on Karthik Purnima Day in Andhra Pradesh was a Great Success in 2013

11/22/2013 Five Floors of Islamic University are ordered to be demolished

11/22/2013 Construction of Cricket Stadium at the Foot Hills of Tirupathi was stopped

11/29/2013 New York Times RESPONSE and our REBUTTAL to the article on Narendra Modi and Muzaffarnagar.

12/3/2013 Swami Paripoornananda and Ghazal Srinivas Demanded action on Islamic University and Vakulamata Temple in Tirupathi



Please send your tax-deductible donations to:
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, 

You can go to and pay by PAYPAL.


Please subscribe to Save Temples Telegram channel at


 GHHF Board of Directors

Prakasarao Velagapudi PhD, ( cell), ( home); (; ); (); (); (); (); (); (); (); (); SireeshaMuppalla (); (); (); Murali Alloju MD (703-953-1122); VeeraiahChoudaryPerni MD (330-646-8004); Vishnu Kalidindi MD; SrivasChebrolu MD; and Dr. Ghazal Srinivas, Honorary Brand Ambassador.

GHHF Dallas Core Group 

(); (); (); (); (); (); (); (); (); (); (); (); (); (); (); (); Satish Reddy  (); (); ().  SitaramPanchagnula(714-322-3430); VasanthSuri(408-239-3436); PhaniAduri(214-774-2139); Konda Srikanth (214-500-5890); Siva Agnoor (214-542-6616).


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