Petition to Ban TV9 Coverage; Two Journalists Criticism of GHHF: Row Over Sri Chaganti’s comment on Yadav Community Continues.

26 Jan 2017 3509 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation circulated a “Petition to Ban TV9 for Spreading Hatred Toward Hinduism” on January 23. The next day we received a message (printed below) from TWO leaders belonging to Union Workers of Journalists with a title “Condemn Global Hindu Heritage Foundation attack on Media.” We sent the following letter requesting them to answer any of the contents our response. We did not receive any communication from them so far. Hence, we are sharing our response to these Union leaders of Journalists: Sri Nalli Dharma Rao and Sri Sekhar.



Sri Nalli Dharma Rao Garu & Sri Sekhar Garu:

Respected Sirs:

We appreciate your message regarding the petition against TV9 with respect to Sri Chaganti Koteswara Rao comment. Thank you for your views about the petition and the TV9 coverage. Proper dialogue, integrity, credibility and unbiased reporting are essential hallmark of the journalism. Please also know that we did not draft the PETITION. We just FORWARDED the Petition to our friends based on the merits of the petition.

Anyway, let me express my views as a way of answering your concerns in the message.

1.  What Sri Chaganti Garu said can be interpreted the way you implied and can definitely say he hurt the feelings of Yadav community.

On the other hand, it can also be interpreted to mean that Yadav community was so innocent that they have produced a divine personality known as Lord Krishna, who is considered a Jagadguru. It only shows that from a community that is so innocent, non-harming, gullible and loving, raised the holy cows for their livelihood in those days, has produced the greatest Avatara of Hindu religion.

We all know when somebody is very nice and donate money and shows unselfish compassion toward others, we say ‘Athanu Pichchodu, yeppudu yedo chestuntadu” It can be literally interpreted by saying that “he is a mad person, he is always like that.” Every Telugu person knows that we are acknowledging his love, compassion, innocence and gratitude toward other people.

Conclusion: TV9 purposefully translated the statement by twisting the intention to make Yadav community feel hurtful, insulted and disrespected. The aim of TV9 seems to be pitting Yadav Community against the rest of Hindus.

2.  As you mentioned that Sri Chaganti Koteswara Rao apologized for the unintentional statement to several Yadav community leaders. He also said that he has lot of respect for Yadav Community. You also said, “That’s the end of the story.”   But it did not end for TV9! It went on for days several times. Is it really necessary to give excessive coverage to create sensationalism, to create animosity, and division within the Hindu community?

3.  You also mentioned that we should not create sensationalism once Sri Chaganti Garu apologized and you further went on to say, “Now where is the occasion for any other person or body to get angry against the media?  So, STOP these irrelevant campaigns and blame game. Instead, work for the betterment of the society if you can.”

Tell me if you can, who is going to monitor the news media’s biases and prejudices?  Who is going to assess as to whether a particular channel is reporting in an unbiased manner or not?

Also, how do we know whether TV9 is even following its own mission statement regarding its guidelines published in it’s website under “ABCL’s Mission.”

It is only through the clear impartial eyes of a third party or individuals like you and me should be able to assess the reporting. That is how democracy works.\

4.  TV 9 has also maligned several Saints and spiritual leaders of Hinduism over the years without an iota of evidence, without verifying the facts, without even checking with the people who were accused, and relying solely on a street gossip.

TV9 disproportionately avoided highlighting the atrocities, fatwas, deceptions and tortures of other religious leaders. It concentrated only on Hindus taking advantage of their philosophy of ahimsa, tolerance, patience, benevolence and non-hatred.

Your Input is appreciated on the Sensationalism Reporting by TV9:

1.  Since you are in a position to access the information, can you tell how many times TV 9 showed that message before he apologized and after he apologized. Since you mentioned, after apologizing, ““That’s the end of the story.” Do you know how many times TV9 showed that statement again and again? Can you provide the number of times TV9 showed it after his apology? You yourself said that it should end the story once he apologized. Then can you justify why they showed several times after apology?

Anybody who watched the news felt that TV9 was showing so many times only to create animosity among Yadav community toward the Scholarly speaker, rake up the animosity, produce hatred toward Sri Chaganti and divide the Hindu community.

2.  You also said, “It is the duty of the media to furnish the information irrespective of caste and creed and it did the same. We appreciate it!”

a.  We hope that you did not intentionally left out the religion. It should have been “irrespective of caste, creed and religion.” If you don’t agree with this, please let us know.

3.  If you think it is the norm or appropriate to show the message several times, can you answer any of these questions?

a) How many times TV9 has shown the Fatwa issued against Prime Minister Modi by Syed Mohammad Nurur Rahman Barkati, the Shahi Imam of Kolkata's Tipu Sultan Masjid. He offered a reward of ₹25 lakh to anyone who will “cut off Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s beard, shave his head and smear him with black ink”.

He is not an ordinary person. He is the Prime Minister of India. That should have been shown more times that what they showed about Sri Chaganti statement. Have you ever realized the magnitude of the FATWA by this mullah?

Where is the integrity of the Channel when one twisted statement is more than the life of a Prime Minister?

b) How many times TV9 has shown the statement of Akbaruddin Owaisi who said, “Remove police 15 minutes. We will finish off 100 crore Hindus.” Can you imagine the magnitude of this statement of killing crores of Hindus?

It appears that 100 crore Hindus lives are not worth of one twisted statement.

c) Prof. Shepard Kancha Illaiah wrote in his book “Why I am not a Hindu” that “Brahmins worked out the strategy of creating a Krishna who was born in a Kshatriya family and brought up in a Yadava family. The young Krishna grows up in a Yadava culture, but the political Krishna never identifies himself with Yadava culture.”

We all know that was false, Krishna was born to Vasudeva and Devaki who belong to Vrishni sect of Yadavas from Mathura.

How many times TV9 has shown this accusation that Krishna was not a Kshatriya?

4.  You also mentioned that it is useless to create sensation by making baseless allegations against the media house. If you can answer the above questions honestly, why we think that Sri Chaganti’s statement was intentionally misinterpreted to foment animosity and dissention in Hindu community, you can understand why the allegations of TV9 against Sri Chaganti are baseless rather than accusing us making baseless statements.

5.  By showing so many times and twisting the intention of the statement, TV9 violated the basic principle of integrity. That means they have failed to uphold the high level of honesty, fairness, decency, trustworthiness and morality.

It is through rational thinking and fair mindedness to everybody irrespective of caste, creed and religion, society can establish harmony and peace. I sincerely hope that you would express your views as to how we can be fair, honest and truthful to preserve the goodness among all of us. In the same way, how media should be fair, unbiased and honest. The morality should apply to both media and the individuals or any other organization.

Hope you respond to our questions. I would be happy to read your reaction to my remarks.

Thank you both for your interest in spreading fairness and unbiased reporting.

With respects

Prakasarao Velagapudi



This is the message we received from Sri Nallai Dharma Rao & Sri Sekhar

Condemn Global Hindu Foundation's attack on Media

Indian spiritual preacher Chaganti Koteswara Rao was criticised for his remarks that hurt the sentiments of 'Yadav' community. He opined "Yadavas do not wash their head if they wash their bottom. If they wash their bottom they do not wash their head" Later, he apologised for the same. That's the end of the story.

What we don’t understand is why few persons are still stuck to the matter and are trying their level best to defame the fundamental duty of a media house that aired the content, by stating that it is creating hatred in Hindus - which is totally FALSE. No one can instill hatred by just providing truthful and objective information.

We agree that media plays a prominent role in forming rational opinions but in this case there is no scope of forming opinions as he already apologised for his remarks. Out of nowhere, why a third party is making a scene?

As journalists We strongly condemn the allegations against the TV9 as they didn’t edit the content and aired as it is without twisting facts. There is absolutely no wrong in it. In fact, it exposed so-called preaching ‘style’ of the scholar, who has no right to comment on the communities. In fact these preachings divide the Hindu community.

It is the duty of the media to furnish the information irrespective of caste and creed and it did the same. We appreciate it!

And it is totally useless to create a nonsense sensation by making baseless allegations against the media house. In the entire episode if anybody was hurt it was the Yadavas and that's why Chaganti apologised to them. Now where is the occasion for any other person or body to get angry against the media?  So, STOP these irrelevant campaigns and blame game. Instead, work for the betterment of the society if you can.

Nalli Dharma Rao, APUWJ
Sekhar, TUWJ
Sent from my iPhone


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