[GHHF Assam] State conference was held in Silchar on December 15 to highlight the urgent need to protect Sanatana Dharma and Bharat.

18 Dec 2024 244 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation, Assam organized two mammoth meetings to awaken the Hindus about the need to work unitedly by learning the lessons from history.  It was attended by Dr. Prakasarao Velagapaudi (President of GHHF), Srinivas Pinnamaneni (Vice-President of GHHF – Coordinator of all activities in Bharat), Samrat Dutt, president of GHHF Assa, Addl Public Prosecutor of Cachar Sri Ratnagkur Bhattacharya, renowned educationalist Dr. Partha Pradip Adhikari, Swami Gunosindhu Maharaj of Bharat Sevashram Sangha, Silchar branch.
              Sri Samratt Dutt, GHHF board member and President of Assam GHHF, has been organizing activities for the last four years. This year, he made it a point to spread GHHF's activities across the State of Assam and organize two major meetings—one in Silchar and another near the Manipur Border.
The first conference meeting at Silchar begins with the lamp lighting. Then Manoj Das and Borendra Chandra Das were felicitated for their continuous support of GHHF Assam's expansion. Then there was a cultural program by the children Swami Gunsindhu Maharaj asked Hindu society to unite and fight for justice. Dr. Parthapradip Adhikari asks Hindu society to stop sending children to missionary schools. Addl Public Prosecutor Sri Ratnagkur Bhattacharya informs Hindus about the Waqf Act.
 In his speech, Samrat Dutta spoke about the continuous defeat of the Hindus all around. He said that for 1000 years, Hindus were fighting and dying but those who were afraid of their lives, those who fell prey to the temptation of money converted. He said Our forefathers were brave so today we are still alive as Hindus. When Samrat Dutta asked the Hindus present there for religion are they were ready to fight, they all agreed and started chanting Jai Shri Ram. After hearing the fiery speech of Samrat Dutta many women shivered, and many started crying. Everyone started shouting Hindu, Hindu. At the end of the speech, everyone stood up from their chairs to welcome Samrat Dutta with applause. Samrat Dutta bowed to everyone. Prakashji gave respect by putting his shawl on Samrat.
Srinivas Pinnamaneni in his speech highlighted the work of the GHHF organization throughout the world including Bangladesh and Congo. It is our responsibility to transmit the knowledge to our children. With that intention, GHHF started about 150 Bala Samskar Kendras. He talked about the situation in Bangladesh. We are organizing ten Bala Samskar Kendras in Bangladesh. Our people are being attacked, killed, and raped. We need to learn the lesson from this example get united work for all Hindus and start taking necessary steps to protect our Hindus. Ours is a rich culture where we respect women and appreciate their sacrifices. The mother plays a significant role in managing the family and taking care of the children.
              We Hindus always pray for the welfare of the humanity. Our religion talks about the welfare of all living creatures. We are the only ones who talk about Samasta Sukhinobhavantu – may all human beings be happy and healthy.
Prakasarao Velagapudi expressed his happiness to see many people. He said that he was elated to see all the women, sporting Tilak on their forehead, wearing colorful Saries, displaying smiling faces, and sitting with courage. He mentioned that ours is a Veda Bhumi, Karma Bhumi, Daiva Bhumi, Yoga Bumi, and Dharma Bumi. Our ancient Rishis transmitted all the knowledge through our Vedas, Upanishads, and other scriptures. It is our responsibility to transmit this knowledge to the next generation.  Unfortunately, we are divided into different groups and become targets for other religions. As long as we think of as individuals, not as Hindus, and not espousing Hindutva, we can easily be broken.
              There is no place safe place or country for Hindus anymore. Our own Hindus whom we have been supporting and conducting Bala Samskar Kendras in Bangladesh are being attacked. No country on this planet is talking about it and helping the Bangladesh Hindus. During the time of Independence, Hindus were nearly 30% and now we have less than 8%. Nobody talks about the decline of the Hindu population and how they are tortured daily. Hindu lives do not matter to anybody, not even Hindus. The whole world is watching the genocide of Hindus with no interest in protecting humanity. The meaning of humanity has twisted. Silence, indifference, apathy, and selfishness to the core are rampant. No justice. No morals. No ethics. The whole world is watching the bloody massacres with glee.  Where is the United Nations? Where are the human rights organizations? It looks like they are sold to the highest bidder.
              He advised them to be cognizant of the potential danger and requested them to act as one and defend our Sanatana Dharma and Bharata Mata.
 This meeting in Silchar attracted close to 1500 Hindus who sat for three hours listening to the speakers and also enjoying the Bala Samskar Kendra students' cultural programs. The program ended with the singing of the national anthem. Khichdi prasadam was distributed to all the members.
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