[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendra of Kumbha, Assam organized Art Competition and a drama on the life of "Ramakrishna"

04 Nov 2024 419 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is pleased to inform that Bala Samskar Kendras are doing numerous activities to stimulate the minds of our children and introduce them to appreciate various talents couched in Hindu Dharma. To celebrate the occasion of Deepavali, Bala Samskar Kendra organized an art competition and a drama depicting the story of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
The students used their dexterity, imagination, concentration and skill to draw pictures of Kali, Devi, Buddha, Ganesh, and others.  Why do encourage them to draw these pictures?”
Art can help us understand our history, our Deities, our images, our structure, our lives ecology and Panchabhutas, It allows students express their thoughts, feelings and emotions which enable them to make the express in pictures. Why art is important:
1)    It promotes expression and creativity
2)     It helps all of us develop necessary soft skills
3)    It provides historical context
4)    Art leads to healthy and thoughtful cultural discussions
5)    It gives us a place to gather as a society
Played Ramakrishna Drama.
    Students dressed up like Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, Sharada Devi and others to the real history Sri Ramakrishna. The drama will inspire the students to emulate the greatness and spirituality of the saint.
Ramakrishna was initiated into Sanyaas or formal life of an ascetic during 1865 from Monk Totapuri. Totatpuri guided Ramakrishna through the rituals of renunciation and instructed him the teachings of Advaita Vedanta, Hindu philosophies dealing with non-dualism of spirit, and importance of Brahman. It was now that Ramakrishna attained his highest spiritual realization.
He thought only of Mother-Goddess Kali and constantly invoked her, but to no avail. Despair took possession of him. He decided that he was not giving enough, not showing enough love and that he had to eliminate all prejudices and attachments. Then he destroyed all his small property.
In fact, Mother Kali appeared before him. Numerous spiritual experiences began to come to him, and wonderful visions appeared.
From that day on, he constantly strove to repeat this state of deep immersion in the Divine consciousness – the state of trance (Samadhi) and plunged into it deeper and deeper. His way of worshiping the Divine Mother became even more non-canonical: for Ramakrishna, Mother was no longer a statue to be worshiped in a strictly prescribed manner. Now She was real, much more real than the world around her.
Foremost among his innumerable disciples was Swami Vivekananda, who was instrumental in establishing the philosophy of Ramakrishna at a global stage. Vivekananda established the Ramakrishna Mission in 1897 to carry out the visions of his Guru Ramakrishna and dedicated the establishment in servitude of the society. 
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