[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned about Dadhichi Maharshi who sacrificed his backbone for the welfare of humanity.

14 Sep 2024 424 Views

Dadhichi, also known as Dadhyancha, is an important character in Hinduism. He is revered amongst the greatest of sages and is portrayed as an example that no sacrifice is too great when the result is the good of the world.
Dadhichi is corrupt form of dadhyanch/dadhyang, and it is derived from “dhadhya” means curd in Sanskrit as pointed out by great Sanskrit scholar Panini himself. Dhadya+ang means body takes strength from curd. He was among one of the greatest among clan of Bhrigu. He is credited with giving up his life in order to allow the Devas to use his bones to make weapons to defeat the Asura Vritra.
Drama: Some schools prepare the students to dress like Dadhichi and they look fabulous. They examined Dadhich’s picture and imitated it. Very appreciative of the teacher and the students.
Students learned about the sacrifice of Dadhichi by way of question – answer dialogue. The story goes like this: 
Gundaiah: Hello Belaiah, how are you? It's been a long time since I saw you
Belaiah: I'm fine but now my name is not Belaiah, it is Johnson
Gundaiah: Johnson is the same name, "John son" means John's son, isn't your father's name Rama, and your mother is married to John?
Belaiah: No, no, that is not true. I came to the real God and changed my religion. Do you know who is real god?
Gundaiah: Who???
Belaiah: The real God for all of us is that "wooden piece". He sacrificed his life for all of us.
Gundaiah: "Chekka Muckaiya" (Wooden piece) who is he? I have never heard that name?
Belaiah: We are all planting stones and wings without knowing the true God, the only true God is “a piece of wood”.
Gopaiah: Hi Belaiah? How is Gundaiah?
Gundaiah: Am I good, now Belaiah's name is Johnson, he believes in a god called "Chekka Muckaiah" and he died for us all. See that he is saying something.
Gopaiah: Hey Belaiah. What is the point of sacrificing his life for all of us. When he was running away, they caught him and tied him to a tree.
Belaiah: If so, tell me who sacrificed their life for our human race. Tell me where all the greats are.
Gopaiah: There are thousands of such people in our culture, if you knew about them, you wouldn't talk like this Belaiah. Do you know about the sacrifice of Dadhichi Maharshi???
Belaiah: Dadhichi Maharshi, I don't know who he is, tell me about him.
Gopaiah: In the past, when a demon named Vrittasura saw that the gods and mankind wanted to end this entire universe, it was the sacrifice of Sage Dadhichi that saved this universe.
Gundaiah: What did Dadhichi Maharshi do???
Gopaiah: The demon named Vrithasura was very powerful. He did penance out of hatred for the gods. He got the boon that he should not be killed by any weapon made of metal. Vritrasura, who invaded the world with pride, defeated Indra and occupied the throne. He tortured all the gods. Unable to do anything, Devendra followed the gods and went to Lord Vishnu and cried.
Gundaiah: And what did Vishnu Murthy do?? What did he say to Devendra???
Gopaiah: Hearing their cry, Srihari suggested making a sharp weapon with a very strong back. The gods thought that the bones of animals like elephants, lions and tigers are strong and can be used for making weapons. But your thinking is wrong. Along with strength, austerity should also be of strong bones, Narayana said that the spine of Dadhichi Maharshi, a great ascetic, is very useful for that. Vishnumurthy ordered him to go to Dadhichi Muni's ashram after meeting with Deva Shilpi and Deva guru and tell them about the matter.
Belaiah: Dadhichi Maharshi will give his backbone as much as they ask???
Gundaiah: Listen to everything, Belaiah. Ask questions after hearing everything.
Gopaiah: Devendra followed Jupiter and Vishwakarma and reached Dadhichi Maharishi's ashram. Maharshi Dadhicha, who was pleased with their arrival, entertained the guests. Devendra hesitated, not knowing how to explain the reason they had come. But Maharshi asked them closely and finally revealed the truth. Hearing their words, the sage happily agreed to give his back. He sacrificed his life with yoga power. Dadhichi, who reluctantly gave up his life for the welfare of the world, became an organ donor. Vajrayudham is made from the spine of Dadhichi Maharishi. Devendra killed Vritrasura with this diamond weapon. Dadhichi Maharshi, nicknamed for goodness and sacrifice, has been immortalized. Indra's main weapon was the diamond weapon made from his spine.
Gopaiah: Belaiah knowingly and unknowingly, don't try to leave your self-righteousness and add religion to it. and don't try to alienate everyone from our cultural traditions.
Gundaiah: Yes. Swadharmae nidhanam shreyah paradharmo bhayavahah said... Even though I forgot that I sat listening to this Belaiah.
Belaiah: Forgive me Gundaiah. I have made a mistake for so long by abandoning our culture and following alien religion. I spread alien religion and alienated many people from our cultural traditions. From now on I will tell everyone about our Hindu religion and make our Hindus aware.
Gopaiah: great Belaiah. From now on let us all follow our Hindu dharma and cultural traditions and learn the great things in it and inform the rest of us too.
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