[GHHF] Bala Samskar Kendras – Students learned the Unique characteristics of Lod Krishna on Krishna Janmashtami Day.

27 Aug 2024 410 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation started about 200 Bala Samskar Kendras in nine different States in Bharat and seven schools in Banglades with a mission to educate our children with the richness of our culture, sacrifices of national heroes, the greatness of our Maha Rishis, colorful festival and their inner meaning, and other activities to build character among our children.  
Our children are taught about Krishna’s message to humanity through Bhagavad Gita. Then our students were taught about his childhood franks and his unique characteristics. IN Mahabharata, Lord Krishna stood for Dharma. At Kurukshetra, Arjuna dropped his weapons with a distress of thinking of his relatives and Gurus and refusing to fight.  Lor Krishna gave a message of doing one’s dharma and not think about the consequences and made Arjuna a karma Yogi Many people still follow that song. However, that divine person said that many lessons can be learned even through one’s own life. And... Do you know what life lessons can be learned from that mastermind?
As a True Friend: Friends are very dear to Krishna. If you look at Krishna's life. He loved his friends like his family members. He knew all the problems of his friends without telling them and solved them. Even if we can't do it like him, at least we can share our hardships with our friends and help them as much as we can.
Convincing characteristic: While playing with the Gopi boys, breaking the pots of the gopis and doing mischief, he was able to send the message without telling the truth that everyone is equal. Not only human beings but also animals were loved equally with people by that little Krishna. Throughout his life, he taught the truth that no matter how much he grew up, he should provide proper guidance and comfort to others.
Love for parents: The son of Yashoda has told through his own life how much it is necessary to show love for parents. When he found out the secret of his birth, he left everyone behind and went to Mathura with the desire to bring out his imprisoned parents. Uncle killed Kamsa and freed his parents from captivity. That Devaki Nandan told us without telling us that we should not hesitate to give up anything and go to any lengths for our parents.
Unfading Smile: Suffering is natural to everyone born on earth. Even Lord Krishna faced difficulties. But his specialty is facing all of them with a smile. Janardhana has shown through his life that no matter how many difficulties you face in life, you can overcome them all with a smile as a weapon.
Dharma: When Arjuna was thinking of fighting against his own family in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Krishna told him to follow the path of Dharma. At that time Krishna reminded Arjuna of his responsibilities and duties towards mankind. He said that there is no difference between elder brother, younger brother and grandson in the field of war and one should act according to Dharma.
Equality: Krishna loves all his devotees equally. He accepts them without showing any class or gender difference. Thus, he teaches equality to mankind. In this war. We should also treat others with respect, treat them equally, be patient and love everyone.
As you can see That Leela is some lessons that we should learn and follow through Krishna's life. And follow these truths taught by Krishna in your life.
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