[GHHF] Bala Samskar Students practiced Bhramari Pranayama and performed Surya Namaskar to accrue health and mental Benefits.

05 Nov 2024 489 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation has been consistently working to preserve and protect our Sanatana Dharma for decades.  We started Bala Samskar about three years ago with only a few schools. We have expanded to about 200 villages to ensure that our children are protected from allurement and enticement.  Every Sunday, we include Surya Namaskar's activity in our syllabus. 

Bhramari Pranayama
Bhramari pranayama derives its name from the black Indian bee called Bhramari and pranayama meaning breathing technique. The exercise is performed by sitting comfortably in a calm place with your eyes closed. The students are asked to place their thumb in the ear canal or on tragal cartilage to gently block the ear canal. The index finger is placed over the eyebrow, and the other fingers are used to close the eyes. Then, the students are asked to take a deep breath and exhale slowly through their nose, making a loud humming sound and focusing their attention on the areas between the eyebrows. The process is repeated five times/session. The students are taught the pranayama and asked to perform the pranayama.
What is Surya Namaskar? 
In Sanskrit, Surya means sun, and Namaskar means greeting or salutation. Surya Namaskar is then a greeting to the sun!  Surya Namaskar mirrors the natural rhythms of our world, echoing the twenty-four hours of the day, twelve zodiac phases, and the biorhythms of the body. It is an ancient ritual of twelve steps that warms up the body, preparing it for yoga practice. That is why it is practiced at the beginning of a yoga class. This warming sequence has a rich history and holistic benefits for the body and mind. Read more to find out about this widely known and ancient yoga practice! 

The Benefits of Surya Namaskar 
Various studies are emerging investigating the physical and mental health benefits of Surya Namaskar and yoga. As Western and Eastern medical systems merge, the energetic benefits of Surya Namaskara also emerge. Here, we look at some of these benefits and the connection between Surya Namaskar and the chakras.  
1.    Strengthens the leg muscles and spine.
2.    Relieves in indigestion and constipation.
3.    It improves posture and calms the mind.
4.    It improves the flexibility of the back and spine.
5.    Strengthens the back muscle and relieves build up tension. 
6.     It helps improve blood circulation and strengthen heart function. 
7.    It also enhances resting cardiovascular parameters such as systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and pulse pressure. 
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