[GHHF] GauPuja was performed in remote Dalit communities to enrich them with health, wealth,and prosperity.

10 Feb 2025 140 Views

Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is enriching in thevillages with wealth and prosperity by performing Gau Puja in one of the houseswhere all the villagers are invited to perform Puja to Gau Mata. Since Vedic times, cows have been considered sacred, treated as mothers, and hailed as harbingers of auspiciousness.  She symbolizeswealth, health, prosperity, blessing, peace of mind, purity, purification, andsuccess in life. She is identified as a kamadhenu – wishfulfilling.  She is revered, honored, and respected as a mother – an unselfish giver of bounty without expecting from her children just like a mother. All the scriptures, such as Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Mahabharata, Manusmriti, and others, extoll the virtues of the cow. All the Gods reside in her, and killingher is considered the most heinous crime. It is often said, “jivantuavadghnyah ta me vishasya dushanih” meaning that cows live withoutslaughter for their whole life to remove poison and toxins. Many sages, Hindu Temples, and numerous Ashrams maintained Goshalas (cow shelters) for centuries, recognizing the multiple benefits of the cows.Cows are associated with prosperity and wealth. A newlypurchased cow is welcomed into the home like a new bride.  Cows are brought into the Temples whenever Pranaprathista to the deities is performed and accepted as the most revered guests. During specific festivals, the cow’slegs are washed, horns are decorated with different colors, the hump is smearedwith colored powder, the body is beautifully decorated with colorful cloth, the forehead is anointed with tilak, and it is greeted with a kula orwinnowing fan on which there is a dab of sindur or vermilion.  A cow is welcomed into the house or temple with paddy, soft durva grass, sesame seeds, and a small brass potcontaining a mango twig with leaves. It is like inviting all 33 crore gods intothe house.The Atharvana Veda says: “The cowis the mother of Rudras; she is a daughter of the Vasus; she is the sister ofSurya. She is a storehouse of ghee that is like the celestialnectar.”  It further states that cow’s milk helps overcome debilityand regain lost physical and mental health. It promotes intelligence andimproves health. It even goes to the extent that if someone destroys ourcows, horses, or people, kill him with a bullet of lead. (Atharvana Veda 1.16.4) Cows are associated with various deities like LordKrishna, Lord Shiva, and Goddess Kamadhenu. They symbolize divinity and arerevered as sacred beings.Cows represent abundance and prosperity. They are associatedwith fertility and are considered a wealth source in Hindu culture.Cows embody nurturing qualities, representing maternal love,gentleness, and selflessness. They are seen as providers of nourishment andsustenance, mainly through milk.Benefitsof performing Gau Puja. It helps reduce stress, anxiety, and negativeemotions. Consumption of cow products such as milk, ghee,urine, and curds enhance vitality, digestion, and immunity· Cow dung and urine are used for organic farming, servingas a natural fertilizer. Worshipping the cow brings abundance andmaterial prosperity. The cow is equated with the Earth and Motherhood,symbolizing selfless nourishment and care. The serene and peaceful atmosphere createdduring cow worship promotes mindfulness, reduces mental agitation, and fostersa positive state of mind. Cow worship instills the virtues of patience,humility, and kindness.

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