[GHHF] Touching the feet of parents considered respectful and bestows blessings with knowledge, intellect, strength, and fame.

25 Mar 2025 44 Views

“India is the mother of religion. In her are combined science and religion in perfect harmony, and that is the Hindu religion, and it is India that shall be again the spiritual mother of the world” – Annie Besant
Global Hindu Heritage Foundation is committed to transmit our ancient knowledge to our next generation and Vedic traditions that include touching the feet of the parents by their respective parents. We encourage the children to respect their parents and receive profound blessings.
The reason for touching the feet of elders is simply because that’s what is the prescribed Sanatana Dharma in various Dharma Shastras. However, the significance (most likely Yogic) of the same has been mentioned in the Manusmriti.
On an elder approaching, the vital breaths (Prana) of the younger rush outward; and he recovers them by the acts of rising to meet and salute him. Manusmriti 2.120
The fruit (maybe another significance) of saluting the elders’ feet is mentioned in the very next verse:
For one who is in the habit of saluting and constantly revering elders — four things prosper: viz., longevity (Ayu), merit (Dharma), fame (Yasha) and strength (Bala). Manusmriti 2.121
Taking darshan by touching the feet is an old Vedic tradition. The Laws of Manu say:
II. 71. At the beginning and at the end of (a lesson in the) Veda he must always clasp both the feet of his teacher, (and)...
II. 72. With crossed hands he must clasp (the feet) of the teacher and touch the left (foot) with his left (hand), the right (foot) with his right (hand).
Over a period, the tradition extended to others who are considered as elderly and superiors as well.
It is believed that when a person bows down to touch the feet of elders, the person's ego comes to an end. The person gives respect to his or elder's wisdom, knowledge, age, and experience. In return, the elders then bless the person. When a person touches the feet of elders, he or she keeps his ego and negative vibes aside while touching the feet. On the other hand, the elders touch your head with emotions filled with Karuna (affection) and bless you. This emits positive vibes from the elders, which are passed on to you.
Touching the feet of an elderly or a respectable person results in blessing you with strength, health, good life, wisdom, success, and knowledge.
Bhavana Narula says: The practice of touching the feet of elders was adopted in India during the Vedic period and is called Charan Sparsh (charan means ‘feet’ and Sparsh means ‘touch’). According to the Hindu tradition, when you touch the feet of an elder person, you are in turn blessed with knowledge, intellect, strength, and fame.
If you ever see a young person touching an elder's feet in India. Safely assume they are paying their respects to them. They don't have any ulterior motives behind it.
I have witnessed my mom and dad touching the feet of their parents. My uncles who were younger than my parents, touched their feet to seek blessings. And there would be one eldest member of the family, whose feet will be touched by everyone. This practice shows that you respect that person enough to bow in front of them.
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